Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Can Hydrocodone Lower Your Blood Pressure Please Someone Help Me Find The Right Path?

Please someone help me find the right path? - can hydrocodone lower your blood pressure

I am a 22yrs old woman, a daughter who will be two in March.

I made a headache for more than seven months that bad to worse. The last months have been very difficult as reaching the point where I'm stuck in the toilet vomiting and shaking 3-4 times per week.

I have no idea what effect that sometimes at night, sometimes I wake with them there is a model of time to eat. If these headaches, I always start at the back of the head over a distance of inches around my neck on the right side, and it is a piece the size of a grape. If I have a headache that is not there. Closed during the worst pain in my right eye with a feeling of pressure and I just want her eyes.

I ad --Ally have other things I'm not sure are related, but here:, dizziness, sudden shortness of breath with exercise out, right leg numbness, stabbing pains in the chest when breathing in the chest, as seen, fatigue (for 8 or more hours after being awake for 3-4 hours I am exhausted and have to fight to stay awake.), I (lose control of his speech I can not believe more short, for whatever reason is always there difficult to say something as simple as a car.)

I went to the doctor and he has a CT scan and blood tests, had low VD and all was well. My BP 94/70, said this morning everything felt normal again and prescribed hydrocodone for migraines when you reach the point that I can do nothing.

It is not only more drugs to the pain I want to know what's going to cover, too. I raise almost 2 years and it gets very difficult when I and my husband is these attacks at work.

Could something wrong and only a symptom of migraines? What would be the best doctor to see.


Redfeather-Shawnee Shaman said...

* What is described b Doug is acupressure. It is the art of pressure point pain. I want the reason why you know these headaches. Migraines can kneel down and double-click the pain. You should consult a neurologist. He wants to get their records and from there. The other doc had a scan, which is probably called you into being, that an MRI should have made instead of CT.

MRI shows everything, even in tumors or if it blocks an artery in the brain, or something to put pressure on the brain. They also have their eye examination results are seen with the neurologist. In addition, make sure you do not have ear infections, infected teeth or cavities in the teeth. Stress may also cause headaches. Drink a cup ofCoffee the next attack. This will help. It should not caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee.

Remember to check the carotid artery in the neck. Be careful not to lock plaque.Good luck.

Wendy L said...

You need to return to your doctor, tell him you will see a specialist, tell him everything is happening and what you feel until you hear, do not give up what you want to Get the Anser

Cynthia said...

Consult a neurologist as soon as possible

Vixxen said...

Return to your doctor and ask for more tests.
If that fails, go to the local accident and emergency, if your headache is the worst.
It sounds radical, but believe me, they will be more attention and responses.
Be sure to describe the swelling of the back of the head, but I think that this may be linked to higher blood pressure in the middle of migraine.
and be sure to describe other symptoms.
written on a sheet of paper if necessary, and take the paper with you.

I hope to see in A & E doctors to see how they are affected, and monkeys progress.
They do not feel ashamed to go - if something is wrong or if another priestto become better acquainted as soon as possible
I hope everythings ok! Let us know


Doug b said...

For all the doctors you see, I do not think it is going well for you still get the same answer. I have, where you are, where you feel as if you were in a fog, putting resistance for things you do not work in real time. I'm long gone in this way, writing is concerned for each of epilepsy. Then, last fall, after most of the PT helped but not really solve the problem, I went back home and continue what he had done for me, but then I wondered if there could be more, and find solutions that all to relax my muscles deeper than he had done, and found a way to extend the Son and the nerves that are problems for me. When I came round the neck, I found all kinds of pain was not aware until I started them of the release. Conceive after two weeks that I remember the whole morning on it when the pain was gone, it seemed clear, my thoughts, my speech was clear and not about the things that seems stuck in between my brain and my mouth. My wife says I'm a new person who wants to know my chiropractor, my secret, my eyes had to help neurologists, when I told him why I felt so good. I bet if you press in various parts of the neck, the pain message is sent to the brain. For some reason, may be the neck, which was the worst pain, but because the side of the brain, not for, produces what he receives. If you would like more information about what I could find me an E-mail: cmb@chaska.net I try to help where I can be interested in the goodKLA.

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