FDA Approved Herbal Herpes Treatment? - herbal treatment for herpes
Alt.health Thank you and Nita. They are incredible. You are correct my mistake, I have no medicine, I've been saying, but I need more information in this area. The treatment is sold in Europe, and my partner saw the approval of the FDA documents, etc, etc. I think it also has a number ndice if it makes no sense. What should I know and have in mind? I have the bottles to friends and their friends, etc., and say it's incredible, because he does not have herpes, I take his word. It has been clinically tested against income and treatments and they worked better. I know there is a cure. Eliminates home, cold sores, but is also on the underlying cause, of course, by stimulating the immune system. I Should the FDA to determine whether it is approved by the FDA? Thanks again guys who were very nice.
As mentioned Tink - something like a plant or approved by the FDA and the FDA approved supplement. You do something that does not approve drugs that have passed through the test and do not the FDA, because herbs are not patentable. No way to hundreds of millions for the examination required if Somone else can do the same product without any costs and undercut selliing for pennies on the dollar for sale again, that would have to sell it.
I do not want to anyone with a desire to be entrepreneurs to prevent weapons. I sold a lot of health products in the past 30 years of relatively successful. You should know that the sale of health products from moderate to very good may receive the attention of the FDA to do that well. Well, here is a dispersion of bubbles as possible, and if it would make sense as the market. A supply of low-cost drugs and multivitamins that) already for herpes simplex (cold sores. It is lysine. In view of the application to the ulcer, which works as advertised in the murder virus.Please lysine. Good luck.
http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/NewsEvents/ucm1 ...
Here is the list of drugs that are approved recently - if you see something you call a treatment or a drug. In the box above right you can do a search of his person. Just because someone has filled out an application means nothing.
Any other product that you see in a shop in the United States, the structure-function claims - use as a guide
... http://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceComplian
If you call them, are very beautiful - but it should be suspended for at least half an hour during the strike in the departments.
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